Travel & Tourism

Travel & Tourism

How to go on holiday, without the risk.

by Matthew

For those of you thinking of finding a way to spend a break, this is the article for you.

Travel and tourism have been affected heavily during the pandemic. The tourism industry is expected to lose $1 trillion dollars because of the new risk from traveling, this has caused many businesses reliant on travel to go out of business.

Traveling around the world is one of the main ways the COVID-19 virus has spread across the globe, but that doesn’t mean you have to go around the globe for a holiday. Industries such as camping, for example, have been a way you can get out of your house for a holiday, but without the risk from flying. I asked a Toronto citizen what they thought about it from their experiences camping during the pandemic: “Camping is a wonderful getaway from the lockdown monotony, compared to an airplane destination one doesn’t have to travel for an extended period of time and it’s considerably less expensive. For all the outdoor activities camping offers, it’s definitely one of my favourite ways to spend my time in Ontario.” Camping is the perfect way to get out of the house for a while, and still staying safe.

Unfortunately, camping won’t be an option for many students to spend their March break because as of April 3rd campsites have been temporarily closed due to increasing cases.

Aside from that the camping industry has been booming, booked sites have doubled this year and many new camping businesses have been starting amid the lockdown like new camp gear rental businesses and more campgrounds opening recently as well, these will be on hold for a while but will be back in business before you know it.

When summer comes many students might try to get a job at a campsite, but unless more people are vaccinated before then, campsites may close due to increasing cases again, so it’s possible that the job and the industry could be a little risky.