Business Club

Business Club

Club Heads

  • Varshini Shivayogi –
  • Marko Vodopija –

Staff Advisors

  • Ms. Lau –

Meeting Info

  • Room 331
  • Wednesdays at Lunch

Club Activities

  • Business Club represents all students who wish to learn more about business outside the classroom.
  • Areas of focus for the club are:
    • Business Team: Written, oral & case study competitions occur throughout the year. The club competes against other high schools. Students can compete as individuals or on a team.
    • Entrepreneurship: Those are interested in business can learn about how to start a small business & obtain free certificates.
    • Events & Conferences: Club members attend in-person & virtual conferences, such as the Women in Capital Markets conference. Guest speakers address the club.

More information

Contact Us or Join

Social Media

BBI2O Business Blog

  • Click here to read our Business Blog published by Grade 10 BBI2O students at North Toronto.


Fall Investment Contest Winners

The Finance Club held its first investment contest of the year as part of Junior Achievement’s Investment Simulation Program. Andrew T. won with a 24.4% return on investment in the

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Junior Open Toronto Case Competition

Two North Toronto students – Aveen & Elena – participated in the Junior Open Toronto Case Competition this past August. The competition, hosted by the University of Toronto Schools, featured

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DECA Provincials

Forty North Toronto students competed in the DECA Provincial competition and thirteen won certificates because of their placing in the top ten. Congratulations to Jasmine Lem and Lee-Ashley Keshet for

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