Mathematics &
computer Science Department


2023/24 Staff Members

Hanaa Mekhael 

(ACL of Numeracy & Student Success)

Eva Xherro 

(ACL of Mathematics & Computer Science)

Where to Find Us

Room 425 (4th floor)

Phone:  416-393-9180 x. 20080

Department Course Offerings



Click on a course code below for a full description and prerequisites:


Grade 9:


Mathematics: MTH1W1


Grade 10:


Mathematics: MPM2D1


Grade 11:


Foundations for College Math: MBF3C1

Functions & Applications: MCF3M1

Functions: MCR3U1


Grade 12:


Foundations for College Math: MAP4C1

Calculus & Vectors: MCV4U1

Data Management: MDM4U1

Advanced Functions: MHF4U1



Computer Science


Click on a course code below for a full description and prerequisites:


Grade 10: 

Computer Studies:  ICS2O1


Grade 11:

Computer Science:  ICS3U1


Grade 12:

Computer Science:  ICS4U1


Open House Slideshow - Nov. 2023

Math Contests at NTCI

Canadian National Math League Contests

The Canadian National Math League contest series is FREE to interested NTCI students in grades 9 through 12.

Each contest is 30 minutes long and has 6 short answer questions. All contests will occur in Room 423 from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm.

The contest dates are:


Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

To register, please see this form



All Contests - 2023/24

Connections, Support, & Resources

Math Club:

Students interested in extra-curricular math activities should participate in Math Club. The club focuses on competitions, homework helps, & fun activities.

CEMC Courseware:

The CEMC courseware materials feature lessons, interactive activities, enrichment challenges, and unlimited opportunity for practice with feedback. The courseware is online, free to use, and does not require registration. Start learning from a world-class group of educators today!

CEMC Contests Preparation:

“We know that it’s not just the hours spent writing a contest that matters — it’s the problem-solving practice and teamwork that contests inspire. We recommend that students spend some time preparing for our contests. The best way to cultivate problem-solving skills is through practice.”

TVO Mathify Tutoring:

Build your math skills and confidence with a personalized math coach. Tutors are available online Mondays-Fridays from 9am ET and Sundays from 3:30pm to 9pm ET.

CEMC Contests Preparation:

The Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics tests the math skills students are expected to have learned by the end of the Grade 9 mathematics course.

Government, Ministry, & TDSB Resources

Students and parents may find the following additional resources helpful with Mathematics and Computer Science Department academic planning:

The TDSB Choices magazine has a vareity of academic planning tools and a host of course description information.  This magazine can be accessed by clicking on the above graphic.

The Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Education website includes links to all Secondary Curriculum documents.  Links to these documents can be accessed by clicking on the above graphic.

The TDSB Course Search navigator allows one to search for any TDSB high school course by course code, grade or subject, or by key word and provides a full course description and list of prerequisites.

The Ministry of Education produces specific curriculum documents.  Mathematics junior (Gr. 9 & 10) and senior (Gr. 11 & 12) can be accessed by clicking on the above graphic.

The Ministry of Education produces specific curriculum documents.  Computer Studies junior (Gr. 9 & 10) and senior (Gr. 11 & 12) can be accessed by clicking on the above graphic.