Club Heads
- Julia Leticia dos Santos –julia.batistadossantos@student.tdsb.on.ca
- Sophia Garcia Munhoz –sophia.garciamunhoz@student.tdsb.on.ca
- Amanda da Cruz –amanda.dacruz@student.tdsb.on.ca
- Ariyana Rahmani –ariyana.rahmanimohammadaghafard@student.tdsb.on.ca
Staff Advisors
- Ms. Shannon Bilmer – shannon.bilmer@tdsb.on.ca
Meeting Info
- Drama room / Room 115
- During Friday lunch
Social Media
- ntdance24_25
Club Description
We are a club where experience is not required, meaning anyone can join the club. We dance to different styles of music and try to have as much fun as possible. Our meetings are on Tuesdays after school and Fridays at lunchtime in room 115. We also participate in school events like Red and Grey Day, soda pop, and many others. Join us for fun rehearsals and exciting performances in a supportive environment!
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