Fall Investment Contest Winners

Fall Investment Contest Winners

Fall Investment Contest Winners

Congratulations to the following North Toronto students who won Investment Contests in the Fall of 2020.

  • Grade 9 December 2020: Sophia L. (MRNA +38%)
  • Investment Club October/November 2o2o
    • First Prize: Daisy K. (+81%)
    • Second Prize: Denis B. (+30%)
    • Third Prize: William S. (+20%)

To participate in the next contests, join the Investment Club.

Forty North Toronto Students Advance to DECA Provincials

Fifty-seven students participated in the Toronto Regionals Competition & forty progressed to the provincial level. Twenty N.T.C.I. events advanced to Provincials.

Summary of Results

  • Written events: Thirteen individuals & teams
  • Oral events: Seven individuals & teams

Congratulations to all students for their results.