October 2021 Parent Council Meeting

October 2021 Parent Council Meeting

October 2021 Parent Council Meeting

Thank you to all who attended the last Parent Council meeting on October 25, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. We had a great turnout! 

For those who missed the presentation on path to postsecondary by Michelle de Braux, the recording is available at the link below. The link will be available for 30 days and it’s password protected.



Access Passcode: C0uncilOct2!

The presentation is also available below in PDF format.

Parent Council M De Braux 2021 The Path to Postsecondary.pdf


Parent Council Facebook Group:

For those who have not joined the Parent Council Facebook group and wish to join, two mandatory questions must be answered to be admitted to the group. The group is strictly for parents of students at NT and we wish to keep it private. Thank you for your cooperation.


To connect with the Parent Council:

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischool.ca

Join the Parent Council group on Facebook

Follow us on Twitte

September Parent Council Meeting

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year. 

The NTCI Parent Council looks forward to your involvement, whether virtual or ‘in real life’, seeing you at meetings, and hearing from you as the year progresses.

The first Parent Council meeting and election of the Parent Council Executive will be held on Monday, September 27 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://tdsb-ca.zoom.us/j/91568618789?pwd=VTlyZUg4cW85UGlhU2RDczFLZmZkUT09

Meeting ID: 915 6861 8789
Passcode: 604738

June 25th Update


As we reach the end of the school year, we would like to take the opportunity to thank all members of the school community – students, parents, guardians, and staff. It is a huge understatement to say that it hasn’t been your typical school year, between in person vs virtual classroom, quadmesters, etc., we all had to adapt to a rapidly evolving situation to dodge the pandemic. We wish you all a safe and happy summer break and look forward to seeing you again in September. If you have an interest in joining the parent council next year, we invite you to connect with us at Communications@NTCISchoolCouncil.ca


We sadly say farewell to Mr. Mack after eight years of leadership and commitment to our school community and an overall 30 years of service in education. We wish him all the best in his much deserved retirement!


At the same time, we extend a warm welcome to Dr. Jane Lee as our new principal.


The council also wishes to thank departing council member Janet Victor, for her participation on council for the past five years and her dedicated service as Treasurer.


Save the date: The first parent council meeting of the 2021-2022 school year is scheduled for September 27. More information will be provided closer to the date.


– NT Parent Council

May Parent Council Meeting: Monday, May 31st


Thank you to all those who attended the Parent Council meeting last Monday. We had a good turnout and a very informative presentation by Sari Goldman and Michal Giboa-Hemel on parenting teens during Covid-19. If you missed it or wish to re-watch it, click on the link below. Please note that the presentation begins at the 2:07 mark. The link expires on May 31.


Access Passcode: NTC!260421


The next parent council meeting is on Monday, May 31

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischool.ca

Follow us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

February 2021 Meeting

The NT Parent Council looks forward to seeing you at the Parent Council meeting tonight (Mon. Feb. 22) at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom — see link below.


A speaker, Reza Yacoob, will join us at 8:00 p.m. to present:

The Science of Vaccine

Topics of the presentation include:

  • What are vaccines
  • Types of vaccines
  • How are they made
  • Herd immunity and more

Mr. Yacoob holds an M.Sc. from the University of Toronto and is a patent agent qualified in Canada and the United States. His career in the vaccine industry spanned more than 30 years. He has over 25 publications in the field of biotechnology.

Please note: The presentation is open to non-NT parents and guardians. Participants joining for the speaker’s presentation who arrive after 7:45 p.m. will be kept in the waiting room before being admitted in the virtual room.

Feel free to spread the word to anyone outside NT. All welcome!

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischool.ca

Follow us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter


October Meeting – Oct. 26th

October 26th at 7pm


The NTCI Parent Council invites you to the first Parent Council meeting of the school year on Monday, October, 26 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 928 3846 7620
Passcode: 416148

Meeting agenda includes

– Student Council update

– Principal update

– Treasurer update

– Election of the Parent Council

Copy of the agenda is attached to this email.

Nominations for the Parent Council Executive election are now closed. We thank all those who have expressed an interest in joining the Parent Council.

We look forward to seeing you then. Parent Council agenda 

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischool.ca

Follow us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter



Message from the NTCI School (Parent) Council (“Council”)
While the environment is a strange and everchanging one, we look forward to engaging with the NTCI parent community, in whatever manner we may this year.
The first parent meeting will be held on Monday October 26 at 7:00 p.m., virtually, via Zoom (login details to follow in a separate communication). The agenda for the meeting will be posted on both the school’s website and the Council’s website. The Evening’s Agenda will include an update from Principal Mack and the Student Council, along with elections to establish the School (Parent) Council for this academic year.
School (Parent) Council Elections
An important part of the meeting will be the election of parents who will form the Council for the 2020-2021 year.
Any parent or guardian of an NTCI student may be nominated or may nominate themselves as a candidate for election to the Council. The names of candidates will be posted on the School Council website on or before October 21, 2020, and will be identified in an email to parents sent out in advance of the meeting. The deadline for nominations is October 19, 2020.
After the election, newly elected Council members will meet and elect a Chair or Co-Chairs, confirm the other positions that are needed to perform Council functions during the year, and determine the Council members who will fill those positions. Nominees are invited to indicate roles they may have a particular interest in.
There are many roles to be filled. Below is a list of the roles that have been typically established in previous years. The Council may determine that it is most appropriate to have co-holders for certain positions to facilitate the transition from year to year.
Typical Council Roles

• Chair or Co-Chairs
• Treasurer
• Co-Secretary (x 2)
• Co-Speaker Coordinator (x2)
• Ward Liaison
• School-Community Event Coordinators (x2)
• Communications Coordinator
• Member-at-Large (several)
• Grade 9 Parent representative

The Council may determine that additional roles are desirable depending upon the circumstances from year to year.  For example, this year it may be determined that there ought to be a community safety liaison and/or virtual students’ parent representative.
The Council is typically composed of up to 14 members. To nominate yourself or another parent/guardian, Please complete the online form on the NTCI School Council website, here: https://ntcischoolcouncil.weebly.com/  .  Please Note: If you nominate someone other than yourself, please ensure you have their consent.  They will be contacted, and their nomination will not be accepted without their agreement!
If you wish to complete a paper nomination form, please connect with the office administrator, Diane Henderson, by email: diane.henderson@tdsb.on.ca, or email communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca, and one will be made available to you. All nominations must be received, physically or online, prior to October 19, 2020.
To learn more about what the Council does, including names and roles of its 2019-2020 members, and meeting minutes, please visit the Council’s page on the NTCI School website, here:  https://ntci.on.ca/main-office/school-council/

The NTCI School (Parent) Council looks forward to your involvement (whether virtual or ‘in real life’!) at our meetings during the year, and to hearing from you through one of our communications links below on any issue, idea or concern that you may have as the year progresses.

We encourage you to sign up for the Parent Council mailing list, or join any of the social media platforms noted below to be kept informed of dates and times of the regular meetings along with details of any guest speakers etc.

You may sign up online at: www.NTCISchoolCouncil.ca

You may also connect with the school council through the following channels:

 Email:    communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca
 Facebook page:  Like and follow NTCI School Parent Council
 Facebook group:  Join NTCI School Parent Council
 Twitter:    Follow @ntci_parents

Parent Council October Update

Message from the NTCI School (Parent) Council (“Council”)

While the environment is a strange and everchanging one, we look forward to engaging with the NTCI parent community, in whatever manner we may this year.
The first parent meeting will be held on Monday October 26 at 7:00 p.m., virtually, via Zoom (login details to follow in a separate communication). The agenda for the meeting will be posted on both the school’s website and the Council’s website. The Evening’s Agenda will include an update from Principal Mack and the Student Council, along with elections to establish the School (Parent) Council for this academic year.


School (Parent) Council Elections

An important part of the meeting will be the election of parents who will form the Council for the 2020-2021 year.
Any parent or guardian of an NTCI student may be nominated or may nominate themselves as a candidate for election to the Council. The names of candidates will be posted on the School Council website on or before October 21, 2020, and will be identified in an email to parents sent out in advance of the meeting. The deadline for nominations is October 19, 2020.

After the election, newly elected Council members will meet and elect a Chair or Co-Chairs, confirm the other positions that are needed to perform Council functions during the year, and determine the Council members who will fill those positions. Nominees are invited to indicate roles they may have a particular interest in.

There are many roles to be filled. Below is a list of the roles that have been typically established in previous years. The Council may determine that it is most appropriate to have co-holders for certain positions to facilitate the transition from year to year.

Typical Council Roles

• Chair or Co-Chairs

• Treasurer

• Co-Secretary (x 2)

• Co-Speaker Coordinator (x2)

• Ward Liaison

• School-Community Event Coordinators (x2)

• Communications Coordinator

• Member-at-Large (several)

• Grade 9 Parent representative

The Council may determine that additional roles are desirable depending upon the circumstances from year to year. For example, this year it may be determined that there ought to be a community safety liaison and/or virtual students’ parent representative.

The Council is typically composed of up to 14 members. To nominate yourself or another parent/guardian, Please complete the online form on the NTCI School Council website, here: https://ntcischoolcouncil.weebly.com/ . Please Note: If you nominate someone other than yourself, please ensure you have their consent. They will be contacted, and their nomination will not be accepted without their agreement!

If you wish to complete a paper nomination form, please connect with the office administrator, Diane Henderson, by email: diane.henderson@tdsb.on.ca, or email communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca, and one will be made available to you. All nominations must be received, physically or online, prior to October 19, 2020.

To learn more about what the Council does, including names and roles of its 2019-2020 members, and meeting minutes, please visit the Council’s page on the NTCI School website, here: https://ntci.on.ca/main-office/school-council/


The NTCI School (Parent) Council looks forward to your involvement (whether virtual or ‘in real life’!) at our meetings during the year, and to hearing from you through one of our communications links below on any issue, idea or concern that you may have as the year progresses.

We encourage you to sign up for the Parent Council mailing list, or join any of the social media platforms noted below to be kept informed of dates and times of the regular meetings along with details of any guest speakers etc.

You may sign up online at: www.NTCISchoolCouncil.ca

You may also connect with the school council through the following channels:

Email: communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca

Facebook page: Like and follow NTCI School Parent Council

Facebook group: Join NTCI School Parent Council

Twitter: Follow @ntci_parents