How to Succeed at Remote Learning

How to Succeed at Remote Learning


Adjusting to a new learning environment after years of doing it in person, isn’t a smooth transition for some people. A number of problems arise from this such as feeling lost or unmotivated, having distractions that take away from your learning and too much exposure to blue light. Here are four tips to help you succeed in remote learning:

Organize your time well

It can be hard to get motivated when you don’t know what the first step is. Using a calendar or daily planner to find to time finish assignments or mark dates for tests can help you manage your time well. It also lets you know when you can do other things that are not school related.

Eliminate distractions

Finding ways to amuse yourself can be especially easy when you’re logged on to a boring virtual class. It might be easier to focus on the lesson if you minimize distractions in your environment. A good place to tune into a virtual class is a quiet room, free from a T.V or other people talking. Turn off notifications from social media and remember that you can always get back to it later.

Take a break from screens

Depending on how your school coordinates your lessons, you could be spending at least 5 hours looking at a screen. That doesn’t count checking social media, writing and submitting assignments or streaming movies during your free time. Too much blue light, which screens emit, can affect your health.

Firstly, blue light can alter your sleep pattern by disrupting melatonin secretion, a hormone released to encourage sleep. This intern goes to disturb your Rapid Eye Movement cycle during sleep which is crucial for brain function. To avoid this, power down devices 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. Benefits attributed to REM include better memory, regulated mood and can increase how fast you can process information. Blue light can also cause eye strain or blurry vision. Instead of spending more time looking at a screen after school, opt for reading which can improve brain connectivity and increase your vocabulary and comprehension. Or walking which can reduce anxiety and stress and improves your heart health.

Get extra practice

From personal experience, I have found that getting into the groove of learning online can be extremely un motivating and is a difficult task for some people. From the comfort of your own home you can be inclined to slack off since your teachers aren’t there to tell you otherwise. Thanks to the internet, you can teach yourself almost everything. Math and science videos can be easily found on YouTube or Khan Academy. If you feel like you’re falling behind the rest of your class, consider getting in the extra practice.