LPCI Meeting

LPCI Meeting

The LPCI Parent Council invites NT parents, guardians and students to:



Hints and tips for getting ready for first year university


Tuesday, June 22 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.


To sign up, click the link http://evite.me/r4H66n4FDG


If you have any questions, email lpschoolcouncil@gmail.com

To connect with the Parent Council:

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischool.ca

Join the Parent Council group on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

May 2022 Parent Council Meeting

Thank you to all those who attended the last Parent Council meeting of the year. It was great to see o many of you. We heard the latest news from Principal Dr. Lee, the new Student Council and the Treasurer’s update. For those who were unable to attend, please see attached the slides of the presentation LFTN Issue 37 North Toronto Collegiate Parent Council – Being Askable.pdf by our speaker, Mitch Chai,


How to be ask-able: What you can do to keep the door open to conversations about sex and sexuality with youth


Mitch has kindly asked that we participate in a survey. This will help them get a sense of whether everyone in attendance felt represented. The following link will be open until Wednesday, June 8 https://forms.gle/Xq3syEpHcL3oPxK58


As we wrap up this school year, the NT Parent Council wishes to thank all parents and guardians for their support, their participation in the form of attendance to meetings and or suggestions/ideas. Some of our committee members are graduating this year along with their sons and daughters and so we need new volunteers to serve on the committee to continue the work we have done. Please reach out to us through one of the channels below if you are interested.


To connect with the Parent Council:


Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list


Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca


Join the Parent Council group on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter

An evening with Dwayne Morgan

The York Mills Collegiate Parent Council invites the NTCI community to a talk by motivational speaker Dwayne Morgan on Wednesday, May 11, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.


We live in a culture where oftentimes we do not realize the impact of our individual biases. It is our desire to break down the barriers for us to have a raw and open dialogue and cultivate a space where all feel they belong. These conversations can be had within our homes, communities, and workplaces. Invite others to join you.


Register here.






To connect with the Parent Council:


Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list


Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca


Join the Parent Council group on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter

April 2022 Parent Council Meeting

Thank you to all those who attended the parent council meeting last Monday, April 27, to hear the latest news from Principal Dr. Lee, the student council and an update from the parent council treasurer.


Save the date for the next and last parent council meeting of the year scheduled for May 30 at 7:30 p.m. We will share the Zoom link and details of the speaker closer to the date.


To connect with the Parent Council:


Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list


Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca


Join the Parent Council group on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter

An Evening with CRA / TDSB Mental Health & Well-Being Parent Partnership Committee

1) From the desk of Donna Cardoza, Community Support Worker (CSW)


We are looking forward to having you join us at a virtual presentation on Monday, April 11th, 2022 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Zoom registration link below:



In this session, Canada Revenue Agency representatives will share information about taxes, benefits and credits that are specific to modest income individuals and why they should file their taxes so that they can receive the benefits and the credits that they may be entitled to. Please forward all questions to Donna.Cardoza@tdsb.on.ca or call 647-403-5821.


Please see the attached flyer for more information and your Zoom registration link. LFTN March 27 An Evening with Canada Revenue Agency.pdf


2) The TDSB Mental Health and Well-Being Parent Partnership Committee presentation on the committee and its mandate.


Monday, April 11, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.

Zoom registration link below



To connect with the Parent Council:

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca

Join the Parent Council group on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

NTCI Parent Council Fundraising Campaign

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Thank you to all the parents and guardians who have already contributed to the NTCI Parent Council fundraising campaign. Your contribution will help support student clubs, activities and programs that enhance the student experience. We rely on parent contributions to make this happen.


This voluntary contribution can be made in any amount you wish to offer. Our suggestion is $20 and can be made via School Cash Online.


For those who still have yet to create an account, please see the attached SCO Parent Guide.pdf and follow the link https://tdsb.schoolcashonline.com/


Contributions will be accepted until March 31, through School Cash Online.


No tax receipt is issued.


Every gift makes a difference!


Thank you for your time. We look forward to enhancing school and community resources.


The next Parent Council meeting is scheduled for April 27 at 7:30 p.m. Zoom link and speaker’s details will be shared close to the time.


To connect with the Parent Council:


Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list


Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca


Join the Parent Council group on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter

February 2022 Parent Council Meeting

Thank you to all who attended the meeting on February 28, 2022. In addition to hearing the latest news from Principal Lee and the Student Council, our guest speaker Dale Callender talked about mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic. The presentation is attached.  LFTN Mar 6 Lumenus Services at Northern January 2021.pdf 


Save the date for the next Parent Council meeting scheduled for Monday, April 25 at 7;30 p.m. A Zoom link will be posted closer to the date. Stay tuned!


To connect with the Parent Council:

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca

Join the Parent Council group on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

January 2022 Parent Council Meeting

Thank you to all who attended the Parent Council meeting on January 24. We had a great turnout and a well received presentation by Gloria Chaim on youth substance use and mental health. The recording of the presentation will be shared in the next couple of weeks through this channel and posted on the Parent Council social media platforms.  Please see attached the resources that were shared with us to share with you.  LFTN If you need support… (2).pdf   LFTN Youth and Family Substance Use Resources.pdf 


Our speaker this month is Gloria Chaim, MSW, a recognized leader in the youth substance use and mental health system for over 35 years. The topic is


Talking to your teen about substance use: What you should look for and what you can do


The teen years are years of growth, change and challenge for young people. Experimenting with alcohol and drug use is often part of the picture. This presentation will discuss the signs of possible substance use, when to be concerned and what you as a parent can do.


Gloria Chaim has recently retired from her leadership roles at CAMH in Child Youth and Family Services and the Margaret and Wallace McCain Centre for Child, Youth and Family Mental Health. Her focus has been on system innovation to reduce barriers to care and improve service delivery and outcomes for youth struggling with substance use and mental health issues and their families. She has provided training and consultation nationally as well as internationally and authored and co-authored dozens of journal articles, treatment manuals, reports, and clinical texts


Join Zoom Meetings:


Zoom Meeting ID: 978 3702 9479

Passcode: 719142

Agenda: NTCI parent general community agenda 24Jan2022.pdf


The school calendar is available here:


NTCI Google Calendar – North Toronto Collegiate Institute

This calendar has basic information about the days of the schooling cycle, late starts, and major meetings.

To subscribe to it if you are a google subscriber just click the “+” sign to add it.

If you are not a google subscriber, choose “OTHER CALENDARS” click on the “+” sign > SUBSCRIBE TO CALENDAR. Under ADD CALENDAR type in: NORTH TORONTO COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE – WHOLE SCHOOL

Please also check out: LATEST NEWS and UPCOMING EVENTS pictorial calendar on the home page (North Toronto Collegiate Institute – NTCI (northtorontoci.ca) for current posts.



To connect with the Parent Council:

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca

Join the Parent Council group on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

Recording of LPCI event from December 15th, 2021

LPCI School Council hosted an event “Post-Secondary Scholarships – Everything you need to know”, with special guest Suzanne Tyson, Founder, HigherEdPoints Inc.. A link to the recording of that meeting and further resources are below.


More information can be found at:

  1. Help me fund my education!
  2. Here is a link to all the videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEe5iC_8V0q9nSqGFFbM49A/videos  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEe5iC_8V0q9nSqGFFbM49A/videos 
  3. Suzanne wrote a book to be used for planning post-secondary funding: https://chalkboardpublishing.com/product/higheredpoints-ways-to-pay-for-school/

LPCI has shared the recording of University Applications: All You Need To Know – click on the link below to access it:





A link to the summary of the discussion is here: Canada_Admissions Overview_LPCI.pdf



To connect with the Parent Council:

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischool.ca

Join the Parent Council group on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

November 2021 Parent Council Meeting

Thank you to all who attended the Parent Council meeting on Monday, November 22, 2021.  We had a record with 51 attendees. The speaker’s presentation, about benefits of taking a gap year, was well received and will be shared/posted as soon as it is made available. In the meantime, you can learn more about CanGap here.

Michelle Dittmer, President and CEO of CanGap, will present on the importance of taking a gap year. See presentation synopsis below.


Pandemic or no pandemic, gap years are on the rise … and for good reason! Taking an intentional step away from formal education to leverage experiential learning can build foundational skills that will launch your young person into early adulthood with more confidence, independence and a clearer sense of direction.


For those who could not attend, the presentation by Can Gap organized by NTCI parent council on Nov 22, 2021 is available for viewing here:


Please note the password is: 


Meeting Minutes: NTCI parent council community minutes nov 22 2021.pdf 



Parent Council Facebook Group:

For those who have not joined the Parent Council Facebook group and wish to join, two mandatory questions must be answered to be admitted to the group. The group is strictly for parents of students at NT and we wish to keep it private. Thank you for your cooperation.


To connect with the Parent Council:

Join the Parent Council’s mailing list: NTCI-Parent-Council-mailing-list

Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischool.ca

Join the Parent Council group on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter