Those who are joining us for the Greece March break trip, get excited! March break starts on March 10th – very soon… Time to start packing!!

March Break Trip
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February 14th Vision Board Collage Workshop
Join Art Council in Rm 227 everyday at lunch this week to work on your vision board for the Vision Board Collage Workshop. Feel free to bring your lunch and friends. Vision boards are a very fun way to visualize your future. With Semester 2 just starting, a vision board can also serve as a guidance and motivation to work hard this semester. Visit @ntci_art_council on Instagram for more information. See everyone there!
Recent Dramatic Arts Events
Trip to Tarragon Theatre

Film in a Day Workshop
On October 24, Grade 12 Drama students participated in an engaging “Film in a Day” workshop. They learned how to write, direct, and produce short films. The workshop covered skills such as using various camera angles, set etiquette, the role of the slate, and the functions of camera operators, sound operators, assistant directors, and directors. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed making their film titled “Yes, And?”.

Students Visit Canadian Stage for the Performance of 1939
Grade 10 Drama students were privileged to watch 1939 at Canadian Stage, co-written by Kaitlyn Riordan and Jani Lauzon on October 19. The play is set in a fictional Ontario residential school in 1939 and follows a group of Indigenous students tasked with performing Shakespeare’s As You Like It. Inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, the play offers a powerful narrative about identity, resilience, and reclaiming culture, inviting deep reflection and learning.

March Break 2025 Trip to Greece
Is your NT student interested in travelling to Greece with the Arts Department this March Break? The Greece trip is currently waitlist only. However, if we fill 6 more spots by the end of the month, we can take all of the students currently on the waitlist. Feel free to join us via zoom on Monday. October 21, 5:30pm for more information. You can also sign up on the waitlist via this website. There is no cost to join the waitlist at this time. If Europe is your dream, don’t miss this opportunity, as next year we are planning to head to New York City.
Inktober Starts This Tuesday
Thanks to everyone for coming to Art Council meetings and volunteering on special days! This Monday, September 30th, we are having the biggest info meeting of the year. We will be introducing our committees, discussing upcoming events happening at NT, and of course we will give time for everyone to ask questions and join committees they want.
In addition, do not forget that Inktober starts this Tuesday! We will be posting prompt on our Instagram: @ntci_art_council. Come to Room 227 every Monday to share your drawings and discuss ideas.
Lastly, we are receiving many questions regarding how much of art experience is required. The answer is NONE! No art experience required. Just make sure to talk to Lauren, our president, when you come to our meeting. She will help you from there.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone!
Art & Music Councils Info

Art & Music Councils Info
September 7, 2024
Join Art Council and Music Council this year! First General Art Council Meeting is on Monday, September 9th, at lunch in Room 227. Art Council heads will introduce themselves and their committees. Get ready for Inktober!
You will find out more information about Art Council and Music Council at NTCI Club Fair on September 24th.
Maytime Masterpiece Auction

Hey NT!
Last week alongside Maytime Melodies, the art dept held the 2nd annual “Maytime Masterpieces” visual art auction. Take a look at the work below and let me know if you’d like to outbid anyone in our community. Bid increments are $20.
This dragon is from the very talented Jayson Kim. It is ink on paper. The current bid is $40. Jayson’s most recent piece won the Youth Art Edge grand price and they are negotiating a purchase for $250. (last year’s grand prize winner was from NT as well, btw. Another fun fact: their winner from the year prior to Covid- the last year they did in person shows prior to last year, was from Central Tech…I’m doing some horn tooting folks).
These bridges are from the very talented Jayson Kim. It is ink on paper. The current bid is $80. Jayson’s most recent piece won the Youth Art Edge grand price and they are negotiating a purchase for $250.
This tempting breakfast scene is by the effervescent Selina Lee. The current bid is $60.
This acrylic painting is by Alisa Lukinykh. It is an ode to Russian culture and is currently priced at $20.
Please come see Ms. Boon in room 227 if you’d like to see any in person prior to bidding.
Maytime Melodies

The NTCI music department is proud to announce that our 76th edition of Maytime Melodies on Thursday, May 9 and Friday May 10 was a huge success! Both evenings provided different ensemble performances, and an art gallery from the Art Department.
North Toronto has a long and strong history of providing students with high quality musical opportunities throughout our band, vocal, and strings programs. Performing groups that were a part of Maytime Melodies include the Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Percussion Ensemble Grade 12 band, Choral Ensemble, Chamber Choir, Senior Choir, Soprano/Alto Choir, Tenor/Bass Choir, Beginner Strings, Junior
Strings, Senior Strings, and Symphony Orchestra. Over 300 students were involved between both performance nights!
We thank all parents, friends, and family for coming to listen to the hard work that has been happening throughout the past school year!
Click here to view some photos of the event
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