Lest We Forget
Remembrance Day Week at NTCI
Posted on November 1, 2024
On November 4th, we kick off Remembrance Day week at NTCI.
Each year, the Royal Canadian Legion provides our school with poppies so that students and staff can wear them proudly at this time of year.
Our annual poppy collection begins with letters to Period 1 teachers who collect contributions to the Royal Canadian Legion’s Poppy Fund. Most of this annual Poppy budget relies on donations collected around Remembrance Day each year.
This year, NTCI will host two Remembrance Day Assemblies on the morning of Nov. 11, 2024.
November 11th will also have a special daily school schedule. See attached for details.
Thank you for playing your part in our annual celebration and time of remembrance.
-NT Remembrance Day Committee

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