Last Updated on July 16, 2023
We look forward to welcoming incoming students for the 2023/24 school year!
Below are a few resources to help students and their families prepare for September.
A variety of resources are available on this site.
This website contains a full list of NTCI clubs/councils on the left side of the menu bar. Clubs will be updated for the upcoming school year in September, however, a majority of clubs remain through different years.
Office Tab
The office tab found on the left side of the menu bar contains a variety of resources students and parents may find useful. This includes the daily schedule, reporting lateness/absence, and more.
Department/Staff and Course Information
NTCI course offerings and descriptions are available on this site, along with the staff in each department and their contact information. Please note the courses and staff are not up to date for this upcoming school year and will be updated in September. However, a majority of information remains relevant.
Latest News
This site is refreshed regularly throughout the school year with important information/news for students and parents.
Upcoming Events
A calendar of important events and activities that occur throughout the school year can be found at the very bottom of the homepage.
Peer Assistance Leaders (PALs)
The PALs are a group of students that aid incoming students with their transition to high school. Closer to September, each incoming grade 9 student will be paired with a PAL. A student’s PAL can answer any pertinent questions about high school and is available throughout the year. PALs also run a variety of events for grade 9 students, such as welcome days and open houses.
Instagram: @ntcipals
Email: ntcipals@gmail.com
Student Council
Follow the NTCI student council Instagram page to explore extracurricular events that occur throughout the school year. Students are always welcome to message any extracurricular Instagram accounts with questions or concerns.
Instagram: @ntcistudentcouncil
North Toronto Athletic Association (NTAA)
Follow the NTAA on Instagram to be informed of athletic related events and activities throughout the school year.
Instagram: @ntnorsemen
Graffiti is North Toronto’s student-led and student-written newspaper which publishes four issues throughout the school year. Follow them on Instagram to stay informed about school events and explore past issues using the link below.
Instagram: @ntcigraffiti
Past Issues: https://issuu.com/graffitithevoiceofnt
- Office
- Departments
- Clubs
- Athletics
- Alumni