Reporting a Student Absence and Lateness
It is important that parents or guardians advise the school about student absences for all or any part of the school day.
If the absence is known in advance, a parent or guardian should notify the school by telephone or send a note with the student explaining the absence.
If the absence was unplanned (e.g., a student is sick), then a parent or guardian should notify the school by telephone.
For telephone calls to the school, prior to 8:45 a.m., please call 416-393-9180 and select option #1 to report the absence.
Notes should be delivered by the student to the Main Office. The note will be signed by Office Staff and the student may then show the note to their teachers for the classes they will be missing. If the student is leaving the school during the day, they also need to sign out at the Main Office before leaving the school.
Students who are 18 years of age or older may call or write their own notes.
Students should also email their teachers to inform them about classes they will miss so they can be provided with any catch-up material and/or instructions.
Any unexplained absence will generate an automated phone call to the student’s home, reporting which class(es) of the day the student has missed. If there are errors, students are requested to come to the Main Office to arrange for corrections to their attendance record.
A record of absences will be included on all report cards. A student who fails to maintain regular attendance may be withdrawn from a course(s) or from school.
For any extended absences (3 days or more), a form must be completed by the student at least a week in advance of the absence. These forms are available in the Main Office.
Students are expected to arrive at school and be in their first period morning class before the bell at 9:00 a.m. and in the class at the start of the period immediately following lunch. If a student arrives late at either of these times, they must report directly to the Main Office.
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