NTCI Charity Week

Sunday February 13, 2022


First NT Charity “Week” Events Happen This Week – Online Games


What is NT Charity Week?  Our NT community comes together annually to raise money for a worthy cause and to help populations in need. NT Charity Week is completely student-led & run.


NT students voted in the fall for True North Aid, an organization “committed to serving northern communities in Canada with practical, humanitarian support” in the areas of health, food, self-determination, reconciliation, education, water, and housing. See attached brochure from our student Education Committee.  LFTN True North Aid Education Week Brochure.pdf 

The 2 shortened weeks ahead (Feb 14-17; Feb 22-25) will feature online games and events that students can participate in to raise funds. All sales are on School Cash Online (SCO) & emails will be sent to you for each event. Our fundraising goal is: $10,000.


Last Chance to Sign up for these events:


Online Games – Scattergories (Price $5)


SCO email out – Wed Feb 9


Last Chance to Sign Up: Sunday, Feb 13


Online Event: Feb 14, 4pm (Zoom link will be sent to student’s email by 3pm)



Online Games – Speed Search (Scavenger Hunt @ Home)-(Price $5)


SCO email out – Wed Feb 9


Last Chance to Sign Up: Monday, Feb 14


Online Event: Feb 15, 4pm (Zoom link will be sent to student’s email by 3pm)

Online Games – Pop Culture Trivia Game (Price $5)


SCO email out – Wed Feb 9 


Last Chance to Sign Up: Tuesday, Feb 15


Online Event: Feb 16, 4pm (Zoom link will be sent to student’s email by 3pm)




Sales continue for:


Winter Wonderland In-School Scavenger Hunt (device needed; Price $5) 


Win big prizes by collecting answers to clues all week and then being the first to solve the riddle on Friday, Feb 25th.


SCO email out-Fri Feb 11


Online Event: Feb 22-25



Sales beginning for:


Teacher/Student Challenge Craze 


Buy votes to nominate celeb teachers or students to do various challenges such as the ice bucket, pie in the face or 1 vs 1 basketball shootout (Prices ranges from 2 votes for $5 to 12 votes for $20)


SCO email out – Mon Feb 14


Votes can be bought until: Feb 25th.


Students will be able to use their votes on an online poll after Feb 25th


Challenges will take place live or online after Feb 25th



Teacher Auction 


Teachers will offer various prizes such as baked goods or an experience curated by them; auction bidding will take place in an online event in the week of Feb 22nd.


More info to come…