NTCI Business Department Launches Certificates of Achievement

NTCI Business Department Launches Certificates of Achievement

NTCI Business Department Launches Certificates of Achievement


The NTCI Business Department is proud to announce the launch of their BronzeSilverGold, and Platinum Certificates of Achievement, to recognize participation and success in Business and Cooperative Education Classes at NTCI.

The NTCI Business Department currently offers the following ten (10) courses:

BTT1O1 (BEM1O1 starting in 2024-2025)
BBI2O1 (BEP2O1 starting in 2024-2025)
BTA3O1 – The Digital Environment
BAF3M1 – Gr. 11 Accounting
CIE3U1 – Gr. 11 Economics
CIA4U1 – Gr. 12 Economics
BBB4M1 – Gr. 12 International Business
BOH4M1 – Gr. 12 Business Leadership
BAT4M1 – Gr. 12 Accounting
DCO3O1/Coop – Cooperative Education  (*** 4 credit Coop counts as two courses)

The Certificates of Achievement can be earned as follows, and will be awarded to Graduating Students at Commencement in their graduating year:

Bronze Certificate:  Any four (4) credits earned in the list above.
Silver Certificate:  Any five (5) credits earned in the list above.
Gold Certificate:  Any six (6) credits earned in the list above.
Platinum Certificate:  Any seven (7) or more credits earned in the list above.

Students must complete the self nomination form in their graduating year in order to be recognized for any of the above awards:


The Business Department also encourages students in Gr. 9 – Gr. 11 to keep track of their business credits in preparation for their graduating year.

Student nomination forms are due this year by Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 and will be cross-referenced by the Guidance Department for accuracy.