Choral Ensemble Club

Choral Ensemble Club

Club Executive

  • Barira Manzoor (
  • Hadasse Kernerman (
  • Scarlett Yi (
  • Lily Spieker ( 
  • Zahra Joyce (
  • Julian Lewis (
  • Ruben Lewis (

Staff Advisor

  • Sarah Buisman (


  • Weekly full choir meetings on Monday after school
  • In the auditorium
  • Weekly sectional rehearsals (Tuesday or Wednesday)

Social Media

  • Google Classroom code: 
  • IG: @ntci.choir

Club Description

Welcome to NT’s Choral Ensemble! NT’s choir is led by NT’s own vocal teacher, Ms Buisman, and has traditionally had over 100 student members for the last several years. These students come from the vocal stream, other music streams, and non-music students. If you love music, or just want to meet new people, you are welcome! In past years, we have performed at numerous assemblies, Fall Fare, Maytime Melodies, the Ontario Vocal Festival, MusicFest Nationals, and the Sounds of Toronto concert at Roy Thomson Hall.


In previous years, we have done music from Dear Evan Hansen, Hamilton, The Lion King, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Fame. We have performed songs like “Rise Up” and learned other songs in many different foreign languages! This year we are learning “FIRE” from a set of four works called Elements, as well as several other exciting pieces. Interested to know what else we will sing this year? Join to find out!

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