We look forward to seeing you at the next Parent Council meeting on Monday, November 22, 2021 at 7:30 p.m!
Join Zoom Meeting https://tdsb-ca.zoom.us/j/96294841291?pwd=N3RRVERmL3h4SE12b1p0clp2THo0QT09&from=addon
Meeting ID: 962 9484 1291
Passcode: 144399
Michelle Dittmer, President and CEO of CanGap, will present on the importance of taking a gap year. See presentation synopsis below.
Pandemic or no pandemic, gap years are on the rise … and for good reason! Taking an intentional step away from formal education to leverage experiential learning can build foundational skills that will launch your young person into early adulthood with more confidence, independence and a clearer sense of direction.
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Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischool.ca
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