Thank you to all who attended the Parent Council meeting on January 24. We had a great turnout and a well received presentation by Gloria Chaim on youth substance use and mental health. The recording of the presentation will be shared in the next couple of weeks through this channel and posted on the Parent Council social media platforms.  Please see attached the resources that were shared with us to share with you.  LFTN If you need support… (2).pdf   LFTN Youth and Family Substance Use Resources.pdf 


Our speaker this month is Gloria Chaim, MSW, a recognized leader in the youth substance use and mental health system for over 35 years. The topic is


Talking to your teen about substance use: What you should look for and what you can do


The teen years are years of growth, change and challenge for young people. Experimenting with alcohol and drug use is often part of the picture. This presentation will discuss the signs of possible substance use, when to be concerned and what you as a parent can do.


Gloria Chaim has recently retired from her leadership roles at CAMH in Child Youth and Family Services and the Margaret and Wallace McCain Centre for Child, Youth and Family Mental Health. Her focus has been on system innovation to reduce barriers to care and improve service delivery and outcomes for youth struggling with substance use and mental health issues and their families. She has provided training and consultation nationally as well as internationally and authored and co-authored dozens of journal articles, treatment manuals, reports, and clinical texts


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Zoom Meeting ID: 978 3702 9479

Passcode: 719142

Agenda: NTCI parent general community agenda 24Jan2022.pdf


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