Upcoming Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

Please diarize the dates below for the remainder of this school year’s meetings.


  • November 25 (Room215, NTCI)
  • January 27 (Zoom)
  • February 24 (Zoom)
  • April 28 (Room215, NTCI)
  • May 26 (Room215, NTCI)
  • June 30 (Room215, NTCI)


If you have any suggestions for future topics in our monthly speaker series, please send them to communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca


Donations to NTCI School Council:


All donations are eligible for a tax receipt, and every contribution makes a difference!



To connect with School Council:

Email communications@ntcischoolcouncil.ca

Like and follow NTCI School Council on Facebook

Join NTCI School Council Facebook group

Follow us on Twitter: @ntci_parents



From Trustee Shelley Laskin

To receive Trustee Shelley Laskin’s Newsletter directly, please visit her website and sign-up:   Trustee Laskin Website