February 2021 Meeting

February 2021 Meeting

February 2021 Meeting

The NT Parent Council looks forward to seeing you at the Parent Council meeting tonight (Mon. Feb. 22) at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom — see link below.


A speaker, Reza Yacoob, will join us at 8:00 p.m. to present:

The Science of Vaccine

Topics of the presentation include:

  • What are vaccines
  • Types of vaccines
  • How are they made
  • Herd immunity and more

Mr. Yacoob holds an M.Sc. from the University of Toronto and is a patent agent qualified in Canada and the United States. His career in the vaccine industry spanned more than 30 years. He has over 25 publications in the field of biotechnology.

Please note: The presentation is open to non-NT parents and guardians. Participants joining for the speaker’s presentation who arrive after 7:45 p.m. will be kept in the waiting room before being admitted in the virtual room.

Feel free to spread the word to anyone outside NT. All welcome!

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Email the Parent Council: communications@ntcischool.ca

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