Investment Club

Investment Club

Club Heads

  • Marko Kuzmanovic –
  • Charlie Bretzler –
  • Noah Schok –
  • Dario Karpuzi –

Staff Advisors

  • Ms. Kim –

Meeting Info

  • Room 331
  • Tuesdays at Lunch

Social Media

  • Instagram: @investingclub.ntci
  • Join our Google Classroom: zdap2z3

Club Description

The Investment Club is the largest club at our school, teaching students how to invest and build wealth. We offer lessons, activities, and hands-on learning to help members understand the basics of investing. In addition to hosting an investing simulation as a club, our Waterloo Financial Literacy Competition lets students test their knowledge and compete with others. We also bring in guest speakers from the finance industry to share their experiences and insights. Join us to learn essential financial skills and grow your future!

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