NTCI will host Parent/Guardian Course Selection Evenings online this year in the evening of February 14th, 2024 from 6pm until 7:15pm at the following online links. These are open to all parents within the NTCI community. Please ensure that you have included your full first and last name to be permitted entry into the online session.
Join our Guidance Counsellors according to grade level below:
Times and Zoom Links (6pm – 7:15pm):
- Parents of Grade 9 students going into Grade 10: https://meet.google.com/web-gdyz-ziw
- Parents of Grade 10 students going into Grade 11: https://meet.google.com/kms-zyqz-wbg
- Parents of Grade 11 students going into Grade 12: https://tdsb-ca.zoom.us/j/97577181305?pwd=ZDcra21sc1ZNbFpHNDJadEkzbTNuUT09 (first and last name required in Zoom to enter)