Online Games - Pop Culture Trivia Game

Online Games – Pop Culture Trivia Game

Event date: February 16, 2022

The 2 shortened weeks ahead (Feb 14-17; Feb 22-25) will feature online games and events that students can participate in to raise funds. All sales are on School Cash Online (SCO) & emails will be sent to you for each event. Our fundraising goal is: $10,000.


Last Chance to Sign up for these events:


1. Online Games – Scattergories (Price $5):


SCO email out- Wed Feb 9; Last Chance to Sign Up: Sunday, Feb 13
Online Event: Feb 14, 4pm (Zoom link will be sent to student’s email by 3pm)


2. Online Games – Speed Search (Scavenger Hunt @ Home) – (Price $5)


SCO email out- Wed Feb 9; Last Chance to Sign Up: Monday, Feb 14
Online Event: Feb 15, 4pm (Zoom link will be sent to student’s email by 3pm)


3. Online Games – Pop Culture Trivia Game (Price $5)


SCO email out-Wed Feb 9; Last Chance to Sig Up: Tuesday, Feb 15
Online Event: Feb 16, 4pm (Zoom link will be sent to student’s email by 3pm)



Sales continue for:


4. Winter Wonderland In-School Scavenger Hunt (device needed; Price $5)
    Win big prizes by collecting answers to clues all week and then being the first to solve the riddle on Friday, Feb 25th.


SCO email out-Fri Feb 11; Online Event: Feb 22-25



Sales beginning for:


5. Teacher/Student Challenge Craze – Buy votes to nominate celeb teachers or students to do various challenges such as the ice bucket, pie in the face or 1 vs 1 basketball shootout (Prices ranges from 2 votes for $5 to 12 votes for $20)


SCO email out – Mon Feb 14; Votes can be bought until: Feb 25th.
Students will be able to use their votes on an online poll after Feb 25th. Challenges will take place live or online after Feb 25th


6. Teacher Auction – Teachers will offer various prizes such as baked goods or an experience curated by them; auction bidding will take place in an online event in the week of Feb 22nd.


More info to come…