May Parent Council Meeting


We look forward to seeing you at the next and last Parent Council meeting of the year, tomorrow May 30 at 7:30 p.m.


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Meeting ID: 933 9786 8735

Passcode: 291503

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Our speaker is Mitch Chai, a community health promoter at Planned Parenthood Toronto, who will present:

How to be ask-able: What you can do to keep the door open to conversations about sex and sexuality with youth.

Mitch Chai has been a community health promoter at Planned Parenthood Toronto since 2003 and facilitates sexual health and relationships workshops for youth aged 13-29 in schools and community settings. Mitch also facilitates capacity building workshops to folx who live and/or work with youth, and brings their experiences as a facilitator, educator, and parent of 2 school aged children to everything they do.

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