Course Carousel
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Event date: February 16, 2022
Course Carousel will take place virtually on Wednesday, February 16th from 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Attached please find the links to the each of the zoom rooms for that morning. LFTN Course Carousel 2022.pdf Please encourage your child/ward to drop into each subject at their convenience during the hour.
This is the opportunity for your children to check out the courses available to them for next year. Encourage them to use this chance to ask teachers any questions about what to expect in their future courses. Try to explore at least one course you had not initially thought of taking.
Remember to make an appointment with your guidance counsellor if you have any questions before you submit your courses in myBlueprint.
Grade 9 – This is your first course carousel. Feel free to also explore some grade 11 classes so that you have a better understanding for your long-term plan.
Grade 10 – Please make sure you choose wisely. Courses that you select in grade 11 can help determine the pathway for grade 12. Ask lots of questions.
Grade 11 – You are choosing the courses that you will be applying to post-secondary with. Please follow up on https://www.ontariouniversitiesinfo.ca/universities and https://www.ontariocolleges.ca/en before submitting your courses to ensure you have all the required pre-requisites.
Guidance Alpha
Ms. de Braux (A-D) michelle.debraux@tdsb.on.ca
Ms. Hayden (E-J, Z) jenny.hayden@tdsb.on.ca
Ms. Schwartz (L, M) jennifer.schwartz@tdsb.on.ca
Ms. Heron (K, N-Q) amanda.heron@tdsb.on.ca
Mr. Taylor (R-Y) john.taylor@tdsb.on.ca
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